Artist Bio
Jadeon Rathgeber is Asiniskawiyiniwak (Rocky Cree) a band member of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation in Saskatchewan and has linage from Pukatawagan, Manitoba. Jadeon is of European decent from Germany and Switzerland. He was born and raised in a First Nations community in Northern Manitoba, Canada.
Jadeon comes from a long linage of artists, traditional language and knowledge keepers.One of them being his mother, Half Moon Woman. She is the caretaker of an ancient traditional First Nations art form called Birch Bark Biting.
Jadeon’s family is very blessed to have the historical documentation of their history on Turtle Island. Jadeon comes from a large family, Bighetty, Dumas, Linklator, Cook and others. Prior to last names he can trace his lineage directly to Wapuskogimaw which translates to the White Bear Chief.
His Turtle Island name is Muskegee Muskwa which translates to Medicine Bear.
In 2006 Jadeon reunited with his mother Half Moon Woman and was given the opportunity to make a lifestyle change. He began carving and designing Pacific Northwest Coast style of art with nuu-cha-nulth, skwxwu7mesh, snaniamuex, and kwakwakwakw carver: gyuauustees.
Jadeon also had the pleasure of working with Rupert Jefferies Jr. and Senior from the Tsimshian Nation. He became fascinated with the art, history, ceremonies and culture of different Turtle Island Nations (AKA: North America).
An opportunity arose for Jadeon to organize an art show in coordination with the Downtown East Side Center For the Arts and several amazing artists. Being one month prior to the 2010 winter Olympics in Vancouver. They knew it was a perfect opportunity with the media from around the globe to share the truth about what was really happening to the original inhabitants of Turtle Island.
The name of the show was “Make It Real “. The fake vs the real in all aspects of culture, art and history told from a colonial view. We wanted to share some of our history truths from a First Nations standpoint.
For more information about the event, click here
In the spring of 2010 Jadeon was presented with and an amazing opportunity to work with legendary master carver Norman Tait from the Nisga’a Nation. It was an experience Jadeon will cherish for life.

In the fall of 2010 Jadeon Attended the North West Coast Jewelry Arts program at the Native Education Collage in Vancouver. This was an introduction to Jewelry design. From that point Jadeon accelerated in the art of jewelry making and designing.
When Jadeon was reunited with his family he began to research the devastating effects of the residential school and colonial system on his people. As well as the destructive nature of this system and its influence on our Mother Earth.
In 2011 Jadeon started to use the sale of his jewelry to travel around spreading awareness to people about the destructive practices used in agriculture, mining, resource development etc. Also sharing the importance of environmental stewardship.
Through 2013-2015 Jadeon and his daughter Desiree traveled extensively through out Europe. Together they participated in upwards of 20 events that were focused on First Nations dance, history, art and culture. Jadeon used this opportunity to educate people about the issues First Nations Peoples face. Jadeon would carve wood, sell jewelry, share stories and Desiree would share her dance.
Des Les Tipis, Broulon,
France 2014
Munich Germany 2014
Desiree Dancing Ornans
France 2015
In 2014, Jadeon and his mother were part of 6-person exhibit at the United Nations in Geneva for international Woman’s day. The event was hosted by and NGO, The Global Alliance Against FGM. They wanted us to talk about the comparison of the exploitation and oppression of First Nations Woman and how it relates to the woman of Africa.
Desiree With Return Of The
White Raven Art Piece
Group of Artists with UN official
In 2015, Jadeon co-founded the Peaceful Warriors Unite collective with Digit-Al from Frankfurt, Germany. They wanted to bring attention to the people about social and environmental justice issues through visual arts and spoken words.
From 2018 - 2020 Jadeon was the owner and operator of a Gallery/studio based in the Kootenay Region of British Columbia. Established in the spring of 2018. The gallery was called Art Works From Turtle Island that showcased many different First Nations art forms.
2020 - Present Jadeon is currently the CEO of Kikiwak First Peoples Society. Jadeon had been researching sustainable building and land development techniques for about 7 years, While working in his studio in 2021 it came to him to that this could be the key to the First Nations housing,water, food and health crisis as well as global homelessness.
Kikiwak is currently working on sustainable building and land development education center incorporating First Nations art history culture into the curriculum.
Jadeon owes everything in life to his daughter Desiree, Mother Half Moon Woman and family who stuck by him through out the years. Jadeon would like to express special thanks to his teachers and mentors for all of the knowledge they shared.
The mediums Jadeon has worked in are yellow, red cedar, alder, pipe stone, soap stone, ram horns, moose bone, antler, silver, copper, and gold.
Past Exhibits
- Make It Real N'D'N Artists and action Vancouver January 2010
- Vancouver 2010 Olympics Aboriginal Pavilion
- Vancouver Para-Olympic Games Cana-Made
- Klahowya Village Stanley Park Summer 2010
- Circle Craft Market Vancouver Convention Center November 2010
- Klahowya Village Stanley Park Vancouver,B.C. Summer 2011
- European Tour Summer 2013
- United Nations Exhibit hosted by Global Alliance Against FGM February 2014
- European Tour Summer 2015
- Casting Jadeon's Jewelry Designs 2015-present
- Owner and operator of Art Works From Turtle Island Gallery/Studio 2018-2020